Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Making Things

I made these angle iron brackets for a power supply in the lab at school the other day. These are actually the second set. Since there were two of the power sources, I figured I'd make both of them at the same time but somebody up the chain of command wanted to see how the first one came out before committing to two of them. I find it amusing that no wants to be responsible for designing the project or providing materials but they don't want to give up control over the finished project. I'd be happy to build something from a provided sketch but it never works that way. So I had to scrounge up some more material and drag all the tools out again but I shouldn't complain. Since they hired a full time guy in the lab I haven't had much to do anyway.

They did trust me enough to make this rack to get the spools of wire up off the floor. Two little brackets made from angle and a piece of scrap conduit. I made these at home since we don't have a bandsaw suitable for notching the angle or any hole saws there.

Here's a couple photos of a job for me. It's a bracket that's going in the corner of the room where I have my HO train board. I've got a railroad lantern that's going to hang from it. One of these days I'll get back to working on the train layout but getting the lantern off the board and hanging up is at least a first step.

The cold symptoms are mostly gone after a solid two weeks of misery so I'm cranking things back up around the shack. I've got a machining job for the lab at school to do. If I knew how to run the lathes in the lab I could do it there but it's not a big deal. I figure as long as I keep making parts no one will know how little I do and they'll keep me around for another year until I retire. At least that's the plan.

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