I finished engineering the can carrier. When I originally looked at the video, I wasn't quite sure how the action worked and I over-thunk it a bit. When I got down to the nitty-gritty of making it, it became pretty obvious as to how the whole thing worked. And work it does. It's just tacked together right now but I'll take it to work this coming week, finish weld it, clean it up and paint it. So that'll be one I can chalk up in the finished column.
I also finished one of my "top secret" basement projects this past week. Hate to think I had a week off and didn't get anything done. Would have gotten some more done but the weather's been bad and my heater quit in the shop. I'm not sure if I ran out of gas last time or if something else went haywire. There's a thermocouple sticking out in the combustion chamber along with the igniter. Might be the thermocouple quit. I need to dig out the manual and see what I can come up with. I shouldn't need it much more this winter but now's the time to get it fixed.
Back to work this week but only two days per. Counting down from 60 now. Knowing that I'm about finished will make things go easier, as will the warmer weather that should be coming along. I need to get out and start doing some serious walking to prepare for the upcoming race. It's been a while since I've trained in earnest and it seems to be a bit harder to get the old body moving like it needs to. I've still got six weeks but it's going to take every bit of that it I want to get my old form back. Might be it's not coming back no matter what I do, though. Regardless, I'm planning on doing what I can and having a good time with it.
I meet with the tax lady this week. I get that out of the way and it'll be back on the big projects soon there after. Need to finish the sidecar fender and wiring, get some brake calipers for the bike and jerk the motor out and go through it. Need to get the veranda for the barn done and some other outdoor things. All in good time. At least I'll be able to take the garbage down in style!
I like it. Just got back from visiting relatives in Florida; saw a can carrier in the receiver behind a truck on I-75... the commercial one. It was not as stout looking as I thought it would/should be for the price. But most things never are.
ReplyDeleteI like the latch setup. I was overthinking it. Thanks for the pics.