Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Indy Car Stuff

I've been thinking a lot about the old Indy cars of late. Cuzzin Ricky turned me on to the USAC Silver Crown group on Facebook which is where the photo came from. There was also a mention of a dirt car classified site on there. There's a street legal open wheel car on there for $15K. Looks to be a beaut. Pretty much exactly like I want to build. The price is about the same as a decent new motorcycle. 

Babineau Metal Works will make one up to your liking. If you want to see some nice craftsmanship, check him out. 

If you want to see some of the open wheel events without leaving the house, Loud Pedal TV can do it for you. There was a trailer at the Terre Haute race Sunday from Speed Shift TV. Both of them have Sunday's race available.

I'm going to have to buy both a new computer and a new television one of these days. Looks like a lot of the racing that I'm most partial to is going to be available over the internet so I should look into getting a new system so I can watch races from the comfort of the recliner. Normally, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, but my old set is square rather than rectangular like the new wide screen (letter box format) sets so I can't see much of the actual picture. Since I'm about half deaf as well, I don't get much out of viewing things I can't see or hear all of. Maybe the answer is to just not bother with a new system, now that I look at it like that. Stick to reading books and my daily newspaper in the evenings.

The weather man is talking some snow in the forecast. I was hoping we were done with that for the season. It's about time to start mowing grass again and I've got other work to do outside. Supposed to be a decent weekend at least. I hope so. 

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