Monday, April 10, 2017

Reporting In

Beautiful weather the last few days - sunshine & warm temps. I got the mower out and cut both the front and back yards after picking up a truck load of sticks. I had put the mower on the battery charger about a week ago, don't know if it was really necessary, but it fired right up. It was parked behind the tractor and the tractor needed a little something with the 3 point hitch adapter, so I fixed that while I was shuffling things around.

I cut a piece of sheet metal to extend the Ducati fender for my buddy. I need a slip roller to do the initial forming, so I'll take it to work and do that in the HVAC lab. I ordered a book from Gingery on making my own roller. He's got plans for building a 24" one. I bought several of his books from Lindsay when he was in business. According to the Gingery site, the guy who took over Lindsay's business is still selling the Gingery books. If you never did any business from Lindsay, you missed a great opportunity, especially if you're a tinkerer like I am. I haven't bought any thing from the new owner, mostly because I had purchased everything I thought I would need prior to Lindsay's retirement. Everything except the roller plans, apparently.

I'm looking at a pretty busy week again. Dentist visit with the Missus, work, Golden Gloves and maybe finish up the welding job for Cuzzin Ricky as time and the weather allow. We were supposed to hit the midget race at Kokomo this past weekend but Rick came down with something. It would have been good weather for the races but I got a bunch of yard work and a few other things taken care of instead. Always plenty to do in the spring of the year when you've got an old farmstead in the country. It's worth it though.

I've been picking up the training for the race walk but it looks like I'll be going to Louisiana now instead. One of our guys will be the Open Division State Champ and will be fighting in the Nationals about the same time I'm scheduled to do the 5K. I should find out more this week. This will be the first Open Division fighter we've ever had that made it to the national tourney.

Have a good week. Get out and enjoy the weather.

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