Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

Photo From Here

Busy couple of days. Saturday morning I ran the boxing gym and then Cuzzin Ricky and I did the dead relatives tour, cleaning up the markers and planting flowers at the cemeteries. It was a beautiful day to be out and about and the cemetery where our fathers are buried has been around for quite some time so it's almost like a park with big shade trees and lots of plantings. Both of our dads were veterans of the "big war" so have the bronze military markers. We always trim the grass back from the edges and plant some flowers. It's not much really, considering what they did for Rick and I as well as the country.

Sunday I did a 5K walk. My running buddy did the 10K run. Neither event was a competitive event just for funnzies. I was the first walker in, but again, it wasn't a competitive event - good thing because my time wasn't all that good. However, in my defense, after passing everyone I opened up a pretty big lead on the rest of them so I slowed down a bit. It was a good morning to be out. The weather forecast was calling for rain but it was nice and clear. Two good days in a row. Kind of a rarity around here lately. 

I watched most of the Indy 500 later. I tuned in right after Scott Dixon's horrific crash. It's amazing he came away from that one with only very minimal damage, probably pretty sore today, however. I watched until the half way point then cut some grass before the rain was due. It got pretty cloudy and looked like it was going to just as I finished the front yard, but it never did rain. I came in and watched the finish of the race. Not quite as exciting as last years on track finish, or the ambulance ride later with the cousins, but congrats to everyone on the Andretti team.

Today's the actual holiday, so we should all pause and give thanks for all those who have served and gone on but give thanks also to the Boy Scouts, members of the American Legion and the others who plant the flags on the graves every year. If we can remember all those who have died in the service to our country, maybe we won't have to keep having wars. 

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