Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Living In America

Doing the 3rd of the 4 race 5K series this morning. Looks to be decent weather, hoping to improve my time a bit, but who knows? Since I'm not sure how long the course was last time, I don't have much to go on. Regardless, my goal is to beat Jimmy on August 12th. I walk, he runs, loser buys dinner. 

In the meantime, it looks like I'll have to start waging war on the squirrels again. Went out to start the truck the other day so I could go to the lumber yard for supplies and it was missing and the check engine light came on. I tried to catch my neighbor the mechanic when he was out in the shop but no luck so I popped the hood and I saw right away a wire that had been chewed in half. Fortunately it was an easy fix. There was enough slack in the wire that I could skin back some insulation, twist the wires together and solder the connection. I had all kinds of trouble two years ago but nothing since then. Unfortunately, this makes about 5 - 6 times the truck has been hit. Time to start running the trap line again, I guess. Country living, hard to beat.

Enjoy the day, celebrate safely!

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