Monday, October 2, 2017

Pile O' Tubing

Tubing for the schoolhouse bell project all loaded up for transport to school. I'll weld everything together and grind it down there. We've got a big layout table to work on - that'll make it a bit easier.

If you look under the pile of tubing, you'll see an aluminum sheet. That's one of the pieces I picked up from my sister in law the other day. Just right for making a chainguard for a motorbike. We've got a 4' shear in the shop that'll give me a nice square cut. I can bend it in my brake at home. I would have sheared it here at the shack but as long as I was going to drive the truck to work, figured I might as well take it along. I've got another little job in the cab to make up also. It's a little bracket for hanging a railroad lantern in the corner of the room where I've got my train board. It's nothing fancy - but I took one down to use a pattern so they'll all match.

Shot a roll of black and white film Saturday morning using the old Franka Rolfix Jr. Jimmy's dad gave me an old folding camera a couple of weeks ago so I thought I might clean it up and try it out. As it ended up, however, it looks like the camera has been dropped while it was open and from a pretty good height. One of the rivets for the folding mechanism is gone and the lens is sitting askew when you fold it out. Since I had gotten a roll of film out, however, I loaded it up in the old Rolfix Jr.

That's the Rolfix Jr. on the left, along with the more sophisticated Franka Rolfix on the right. The Jr. is my mother's old camera that she used when us boys were all young pups. My older brother was born in '48, so I'm guessing that's about the vintage of the camera - something close to 70 years old. I shot some informal "snapshot" type portraits of my running buddy while we were scoping out the trail for our next outdoor boxing workout day. I mixed up a fresh batch of developer and processed the film that evening. The negatives look real good. Because it was sunny out, I was able to use a fast shutter speed and a small aperture which makes for a sharp focus on the negatives. This is the first time I've shot a roll of film in a few years. I'm planning on getting back into the photo hobby again once I retire. I've got an idea for a 4x5 box camera design I'd like to try and make someday. Might start sketching out ideas in earnest so I'll have something to do in the basement workshop this winter.

Not sure when I'll get around to printing any of Saturday's negatives - I've still got some from my trip to Europe I never got around to printing. The time change is just around the corner and I'm swearing off most television, so I should be able to spend time in the darkroom just about any evening I care to. Be good to do something non digital.

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