Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hoodoo Men

Never saw Junior Wells but I did catch Stevie Ray once.

Surly and I got a chance to see both of these run at Daytona. Some definite hoodoo magic from both Dr. John Wittner and John Britten. The Battle of the Twins was something to see - and hear. It was even better walking around in a tee shirt when it was cold and snowy up North.

The snow kind of fizzled around here the other day. Came down hard for a bit but we only got 3-4" more. North of me they got that 12" they were talking about. It warmed up here while the snow was coming down. Wet, heavy snow - the kind that takes the fun out of shoveling. Being out on the tractor was rather enjoyable though. After I got everything cleaned up, got another 1/2" or so later that day. Just enough that I needed to shovel so I could get the steps and sidewalk down to bare concrete again. Old people break hips, you know.

I canceled out the trip to the motorcycle show. Didn't feel like fighting all that snow and slush, plus they were forecasting some more snow Saturday evening - 4-5". I did make it to the gym yesterday and worked out a bit. Did my normal bag routine and then worked with one of the boxers on some things. Talented kid and a hard worker but he needs some individual attention to go to the next level. He's fun to work with - real coachable and appreciative of the attention. I see him going to the nationals - maybe even farther. He's got the drive but he's 16 years old. A lot can happen in the next few years to de-rail him, but I told him to save me a seat in the front row when he makes it to the Olympics. Gonna take some real hoodoo for that to happen but you never know.

Supposed to warm up a bit towards the middle of the week - planning on getting out in the shop and working on the motorbike. I'm putting my plan of attack together. I've got some physical fitness goals I want to achieve - so getting the weight where it needs to be is a priority. I'm down to within three pounds of my goal but looking at my belly, I'm thinking I need to revise that at least five pounds lower. I'm going to start putting in some time on the bike trainer at least two days per week. A bit of strength training and a couple of days at the boxing gym should set me right. My running buddy wants me to do some Yoga with her. I was set to start when the back left town on me. I think Yoga would help loosen me up a bit. Next time I see her at the gym, we'll get something set up and I'll give it a try.

In addition to a regular fitness schedule, I want to be sure I get out into the shop and get some jobs finished up this year. I've got several that could be done without a lot of bother so I'm planning on picking a couple of the easy ones off the list and see where that takes me. Keep the schedule loosey-goosey but stay busy. Cuzzin Ricky and I want to expand our area this year. Maybe Sprint Week in Pennsylvania. Maybe a trip to Alaska. Maybe a train trip to California and Nevada. I've still got four more states to see to complete the list of 50. I want to get at least one this year. Need to get after it. As my old pal Joey used to say: "Daylight's a burnin'."

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