Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Peter Gunn

The Missus and I have been watching Peter Gunn re-runs late afternoons and evenings along with old Perry Mason episodes. Kind of funny that the best things we can find on television are shows that are 60 years old. Of course it's pretty obvious that people our age are the target audience judging by the commercials - AARP, bladder control, cooking and household gadgets, and other worthless crap that if you buy now, you'll get two of whatever it is they're hawking. However, the upside is that the old shows didn't have as many commercials, so you actually get more programming every hour. The other thing is that even if I watched them when I was a kid, I can't remember any of them so they're as good as new to me now. I would like to see the old Lee Marvin series M Squad that was on about the same time as Peter Gunn brought back. Better still would be some new programming that was half ass decent with about half the commercials.

Nice shot of my new lake - supposed to be a farm field but it's now covered in several inches of water. It started raining Monday afternoon like Hell wouldn't have it and has continued on and off for 24 hours plus. Weatherman was saying still more to come over night. The house is dry but everything in all the outbuildings was dripping from the humidity. I went out into the shop and there was fog hanging in the air. I opened up the doors and let it "dry " out a bit while there was a pause in the rain but I didn't want to uncover any of my machine tools as long as they were dry so I bailed out. It was warm though, 65 degrees. 

I was supposed to take my car in for service yesterday but there were several road closings due to flooding. Maybe work on the taxes a bit more today. I can only take so much tax prep at a time. I sit down and start running numbers and I always come back to the same thing. My life, along with every other working stiff, would be so much better if the feds would just keep their hand out of my pocket. I'm willing to do my fair share but I just read the other day that 40 cents out of every dollar the feds collect is spent on the interest of what the knuckleheads in Washington have borrowed over the years. One article I read said they haven't paid off the debt from WWI yet. It'd be nice if they got this squared away and we all got a 40 percent break on our taxes - like that'll ever happen. They're currently borrowing money at the rate of one million dollars per minute.

I've got a couple of jobs I'm tinkering with while waiting for the weather to calm down. Nothing that counts for much but I'm keeping my feet moving.

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