Saturday, March 10, 2018

Makin' Plans

Photo From Here
They don't get much prettier than this one, now do they? 

I'm on Spring Break now - not that it's going to change my schedule much. I only go in one day a week, anyway. Looks like the weather's going to stay chilly while I'm off but no rain in sight for the next week or so. I've got the basement dried out and I'm doing a bit of clean up down there. I cut some parts out for a picture frame but it needs to be 60 degrees for the glue. Might be April before that happens around here, so I'm going to take the pieces and the clamps downstairs and glue it up. Not really an important job but one I've been wanting to get around to for a while.

Birthday party today for my aunt's 90th. Went to a coaching clinic in Indy a week or so back for my boxing license. Made a trip to the dentist for a root canal a couple of days after the Indy trip. Read a couple of more chapters in my textbook and another quiz. Did breakfast with Cuzzin Rick and another guy yesterday. Closed out a couple of bank accounts and started up replacements since the local branches are closing down. I've got some computer training for the college I need to do along with finishing up the tax prep. I've got nine books read so far this year and I've made a dent in the magazine pile the last few days, so nothing big going on but keeping busy just the same. 

Cuzzin Rick and I have been tossing around some ideas for our travels this summer. We've got some midget, sprint and silver crown races we're looking at, plus, I think we've got the Alaska trip figured out. Still some details to work out on everything but I'm excited about Alaska. Going to probably hire some help to get some of the work around the shack done if I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling but that's fine by me. 

Have a good weekend!

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