Here's one of the projects we've been making in the Fab class I've been teaching. I tried to come up with a couple of projects that would involve a variety of skills that would end up with something useful to them. They all seem to be pretty happy with this one. All of them weren't happy with their results - after they got it done they wished they would have done a little bit better job. That's a good sign, though. While we were making them, I made another one for myself and then the lab tech collared me and asked about making an extra one for the school shop and maybe one for himself, so with the help of one of my students we knocked out two more. If I get a can of that gold paint I mentioned in the last post, I can try it out on the roll-a-round and see how I like the looks of the color. Even if I don't like the look for the wheels, at least the paint won't go to waste.
Monday, April 30, 2018
School Projects
Here's one of the projects we've been making in the Fab class I've been teaching. I tried to come up with a couple of projects that would involve a variety of skills that would end up with something useful to them. They all seem to be pretty happy with this one. All of them weren't happy with their results - after they got it done they wished they would have done a little bit better job. That's a good sign, though. While we were making them, I made another one for myself and then the lab tech collared me and asked about making an extra one for the school shop and maybe one for himself, so with the help of one of my students we knocked out two more. If I get a can of that gold paint I mentioned in the last post, I can try it out on the roll-a-round and see how I like the looks of the color. Even if I don't like the look for the wheels, at least the paint won't go to waste.
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