Saturday, April 14, 2018

Watching the Paint Dry

I got the sidecar frame all finished up and managed to put some primer on it while the weather was warm. I'm going to hang it from the ceiling to put the color coat on so I can paint the top and bottom without having to flip it over by myself and scratch it all up or get a hand print or two in the fresh paint. I need to clean up the wheel that goes with this thing and make a hub cap for it while I've got it apart. I should get a new tire for it also. Depending on the weather, I'll get it painted soon - talking snow on Monday around here. Not the best weather for painting but I'll get it done. I might just wait until I've got the wheel finished up and then paint it. Regardless, I'm a big step closer to it being done.

I got some new panniers for the touring rig. I gave my old ones away a couple of years ago thinking I was done with the bike touring. Kind of wish I would have kept them now - would have saved me a few bucks. They're on now and I'm ready to travel. I need to get out and start putting in the miles to get the legs in shape. Maybe a couple of short trips pulling my complete kit to make sure I've got everything I need if I get the chance to ride the Cowboy Trail. It's been quite awhile since I've been out on tour. Need to remember what to take, how to pack it all and how to set up camp in short order if it's raining.

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