Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Photos and Flowers

Lovely photograph of Merle Oberon - think this is a George Hurrell photo. He was one of the greats in Hollywood glamor photography. 

I've got my photo set-up pretty well ready to go. This isn't exactly the type of photo I'm planning on taking of the Missus but I've got a couple of ideas that I think would be suitable for someone a bit more mature. She's having a bit of trouble getting around these days, so I'll have to hold off on her photos but I would like to shoot a couple of practice shots to check light placement, exposure, etc. I've got a roll of film in one of the twin lens cameras with a couple of shots left on it - maybe get a couple of the daughter in law or who ever happens to show up around here first. 

I machined up a little piece for the photo lighting and welded up a leveling jack for a camping trailer the other day but that's about it for working in the shop. Made a couple of trips to the doctor with the Missus and made it to the travel agent to see about going to Alaska - looks like that's a go. Need to complete a bit of detail work with my soon to be traveling companions and it'll be booked. I'm also meeting with a couple of my "saddle pals" later in the week to finalize plans for riding The Cowboy Trail this summer. I've been getting out on the bike but I need to increase my mileage to get the old legs in touring shape. We're finally getting some good weather for outdoor activities. I like being out on the bike but it does take up a lot of time.

Cuzzin Ricky and I are also set for the dead relatives tour again. I've got a flat of geraniums we'll be planting on the graves this weekend. Planting flowers on the graves is a really a small thing, but yet it's a big thing. You never want to forget those who brought you up and kept you safe, whether that's an immediate family member or just one of many who have gone to war for you over the years. 

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