Friday, July 20, 2018

Home Owner Job

The weather has been beautiful the last few days around here. No need for the AC running - sleeping with the windows open, and as a bonus, no one in the neighborhood was burning garbage so the windows could stay open, except for last night. Thanks a lot. However, because the weather was so nice I figured it was time to make some progress on the yard and sidewalk that got torn up with the installation of the new well. I started with the retaining wall where I normally park. The top photo shows what the yard looked like while under construction. If you look where the coil of plastic pipe is, that's where the blocks for the retaining wall go.

I got that finished up without too much difficulty - meaning without throwing my back out again. The green stripe in the gravel is where the new water line runs. I sprayed some weed killer on the area. I'll give it a chance to work and then get a little more gravel and top dress the area.

I was going to form up the area that I had to cut out of the sidewalk next to the house but I think I'll try and get the triangular piece of concrete I drug out of the way with the tractor worked back in and then use it as the form. I've got a couple pieces of expansion joint material left over from pouring the floor in my shop a couple of years ago to put along the edge where the sidewalk buts up against the house. It's supposed to rain today and over the weekend as well, so maybe take a look at that part of it next week.

In the meantime, I'll work on a couple of motorcycle projects. I found most of the parts for the Rickati project that were last seen when I moved everything home from the high school. The only thing I didn't find was the work stand. I think I left that at the school when I retired. Actually, I'm lucky to have gotten as much stuff moved out of there as I did, seeing as how I was on light duty due to the heart attack. As soon as I got the release from the doctor, I gave my two weeks notice and started dragging things home. There's still a few things over there I should get home, like the pony cart frame. Not that I need a pony cart, mind you, but it'd be good to get it out of his way and sell it or give to someone who could use it.

All that aside, the first order of business for the Rickati is to make another work stand. I made a list of things that need to be done on the bike and most of the items are easy enough to do. I'd would like to have a better rear wheel. The one I've got is from the Rickman frame that I started this project with. It's got a steel rim and I'd like to have an aluminum one. Also the hub has a rather odd arrangement with the brake actuator and sprocket both being on the same side. The little Ducatis use a 428 chain as I recall and the proper rear sprocket might be a bit small in diameter to clear the brake drum. I should shop around and see if I can find something off an old Japanese motocross bike before I finish up making the spacers and getting the brake shoes relined. While I'm mulling over my options on that one, I'm going to try and move forward on the 900 a bit.

Feels good to get something done.

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