Friday, July 13, 2018

Mo' Bikes

Saw this one on Facebook - kind of timely for me. I finally made it out to the shop to get a line-up on what I'm planning on next and I was standing next to my Francis-Barnett while looking over the Sprint project. I've been working on the Sprint a little here and a little there to the point that it's pretty close to being done. I need to figure out what I'm going to do for a back wheel and get a set of piston rings for it, but not much else to do other than some piddly things. I get that one done and I think I'll start doing the same thing with the Francis-Barnett. It's going to take some serious parts chasing to locate a few missing things. 

In the meantime, I'm going to jerk the Rickati out as soon as I can get a little help moving the sidecar off the saw horses. I need to finish up a few things on that so I can farm the engine out to my buddy the Ducati specialist. He called the other day and he's planning on heading back to Italy next year for the Moto Giro. He's taking the same bike he took a couple of years ago but he wants to improve the front brake. I had an arbor for those little Ducati front hubs so I could turn the brake drum at one time. I don't know if I've got it laying around still, if I gave it to my buddy or if it got tossed out. Regardless, I should be able to fix him up with what ever he needs and can't do himself, which isn't much.

I took the Missus in for another procedure on her back yesterday. It doesn't take long to do it but by the time it's done and I get her taken care of at the house, the day's shot. My back is still a little tender but not bad. I sent my entry in for the bike race but it doesn't look like I'll be able to train much. My handlebar tape came in and I've got that installed, so the old Raleigh touring bike is all set to go again. While Cuzzin Ricky and I were out the other day, we stopped at a rest area and I picked up a flyer about things to do in Southern Illinois. Seems they have the Tunnel Hill State Trail that is an old rail bed. Looks like it could be a fun one in the fall. I haven't had my little camper out for a long time now. I can hook that up to the new truck and head south. The trail is about 45 miles in length, so ride one way, camp, then return the next day, camp and then mosey on home. 

I got a call from my boss the other day. He's desperate for someone who can teach morning classes at the college. I told him I've already booked a trip to Alaska about the time the semester starts. If I would be willing to show up after I get back from my trip, he thinks he can get someone to sub for the time I'm gone. Looks like I'm going back to work, at least for the first eight week session. Probably the second eight weeks as well. I'll be teaching the beginning stick welding class the first eight and advanced stick if I do the second eight. I don't mind the job. In fact, I rather enjoy it. I just don't want it to interfere with my travel plans. I got the Sirius radio hooked up in my truck and they paved a section of the back road I take going to work. Looks like my commute will be pretty smooth at least.

And speaking of travel plans, I got an e-mail from the outfit that I used last time I went to Europe and they got a special deal on a trip to Ireland - $999.00 and that includes airfare. I haven't checked into the details but it's an offseason thing that I might be able to work in right after the first of the year. Have to see about that. 

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