Thursday, August 9, 2018

Last Load

Last load for the old Dodge - license plates expired Tuesday. It's just as well. I've got a brake dragging on the right rear that needs attention. I smelled it the other day when I went to pick up the 6x6 timbers for the barn veranda. I've got to decide if I'm going to swap out the tires from the Dodge to the new Ford. They're the same size and have about the same mileage on them. The tread pattern is a bit more aggressive on the old truck - might come in handy this winter. I don't know how the short wheelbase on the new truck is going to react in the snow. I checked on what it would cost to get the tires swapped out. Just need to decide if I feel it's worth it or not. If I decide to go ahead, I'll pull the drum off the old truck and see what's going on inside there while I've got the wheel off. Obviously I don't want to spend any money on the truck but I wouldn't want it to lock up on someone when they were driving it home either.

I picked up some blocks to build a protective wall around the new well when I got the timbers. I need to decide if I'm going to get a few more blocks and square off the corners or get enough to go all around it like it was a real well pit. I'll ask the Missus and I'm sure she'll say go all the way around. I'll see about picking those up in the next couple of days. I'm also going to make an herb garden using the little patch on the other side of those stones in the top right of the photo. That'll also give the cat some more dirt to roll around in.

While I was contemplating where to put the timbers, I heard a big crack and turned around just in time to see the big willow branch come down on top of the truck. Fortunately, it was mostly the soft branches that got the cab. The big piece just missed the hood. I figured I'd get over there and find the windshield broken but got lucky this time. Of course then I had to stop what I was doing and switch over to lumberjack mode. It's no wonder I never get anything finished. Even when I have the best of intentions, something always seems to come up to sidetrack me.

The stainless screws for the Rickati have been shipped. Not much else to report on that at the present time. Likewise, not much to report on the 900. I've started chasing wires, which is better than what I'm usually doing, which is chasing my tail.

There's a 50 mile bicycle ride that I want to do coming up in about a month. The only problem is the county decided to tar & chip all the roads by my house. Not bicycle friendly at all. Or motorcycle friendly either. Or friendly to someone with a new truck that he doesn't want to get all dinged up either. They just paved a section that I usually travel on my way to work and I'll bet even money they're going to cover up that lovely new black top with the crappy tar & chips. Looks like I'm going to have to start training for the bike ride using my mountain bike or throw my road bike in the truck and drive somewhere to ride my bike. How asinine is that? Oh well.

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