Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tooth and Pie

I got the wisdom tooth pulled on Monday - went about like I expected it to. The dentist pulled and twisted until the top of the tooth broke off and then he drilled and pulled and twisted some more. He put a few stitches in me and then sent me on my way. He wrote a prescription for some pain pills that were a blessing. The pain woke me up about 3:00 in the morning, so I got up and took a pill but that was the last one I needed. So Monday was basically a washout, other than the fun time at the dentist.

Yesterday wasn't all that productive either. I did get a few chores done around the house and spent a little time in the shop. The metal and the fenders for the Rickati are both scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. I'm going with Cuzzin Ricky to check out another truck tomorrow as well, so that'll shoot the majority of the day in the fanny. I did find a couple of places online that sell stainless metric hardware. I'll try to get my order placed today for the Rickati bolts and a couple of other bits and pieces I need as long as I'm placing an order.

The Missus has been moving around a bit better of late. Good enough to bake a blueberry pie at least. Just can't beat a good home made fruit pie. Comfort food for guy with a sore jaw and a hole where a tooth used to be.

Saw this on Facebook. There's a BSA group on there that posts lots of nice bikes, as well as old stuff and technical information. Good place to get some ideas if a guy was to be contemplating building a BSA. I like the looks of this one quite a bit. Non standard front brake which might be the best way to go. The one on my brother's old bike will hardly stop you while you're pushing the bike around in the garage. I've heard it's possible to get the stock brake to work properly - have to cross that bridge when we get to it. Hopefully not too much longer. I think Surly has the plan all worked out. One of these days I'll start working on the sidecovers and start ordering in some pieces. Need to get a little farther along on the Rickati and the 900 before I pull the cover off that one. Only so many irons in  the fire at one time.

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