Saturday, November 24, 2018

Bomba De Agua and Mo'

Got a bunch done in the shop yesterday. Got some things painted, Surly came down to use my lathe and gave me a hand putting the slant six motor on the stand. Cut some pieces to make the trim for the man door on the shop and took the blades off the mower so I can get them sharpened up next week at work. I've got a couple of other little things to attend to on the mower and then I'll move it out to the big barn all ready to go for next season.

As you can see from the photos, parts arrived. I like the looks of the valve cover with the breathers on there. Same with the air cleaner. I'll make up the adaptor so I can bolt it on to the carb in the next couple of days. Surly cleaned and oiled the lathe real well when he was here, so it's good to go.

It's supposed to be pretty cold starting Monday and stay that way for a few days. Supposed to get some snow as well. I checked out the tractor the other day and it's all set for snow removal duty. I need to get the snow blower out and put some fresh gas in it. I thought about changing the oil but when I pulled out the dipstick, the oil looks like I just changed it. Might be that I had. I rarely use the thing. We have to have a pretty serious snow before I'll drag it out.

I think I'm going to have to learn how to make a pie one of these days. The Missus isn't up to doing much kitchen work these days, so I'm going to have to pick up a little more of the slack. Not a problem other than she's an ace when it comes to baking pies. I'm going to have to really up my game to try and clear the bar where she's set it. I'll let you know how that works out. There's always store-bought if worse comes to worse.

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