Thursday, January 31, 2019

Yep, It's Cold

Shot of Alaska from my trip last August. The weatherman yesterday said not only was it a record breaking cold, the Chicago temps were about 40 degrees colder than Anchorage. Tuesday night I lit a fire in the fireplace and stayed up late feeding it and finishing off a book I was working on. I turned the light off about 2:00 am and decided to just sleep in the recliner. I woke up about 6:00 and decided to jump back in bed for a bit. I woke up about 8:00 only to find the power was out and the temp was about -20 outside. I tried calling the power company to see what was going on but couldn't get through. 

I relit the fireplace and lit a couple of burners on the stove to get some water hot and to generate a little bit of heat. I've got a small propane catalytic heater I lit off and put some long johns on since it was only 52 in the house and the furnace can barely keep up when it's 10 degrees. The power came back on about an hour later but it was a chilly day in the shack and they were calling for even colder temps last night. We make it through today and we'll be fine, though. They're forecasting temps back in the 40's in a couple of days. 

Everyone be safe. It's a snot freezer out there.

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