Monday, March 11, 2019

Odds & Ends


I had breakfast with Cuzzin Ricky yesterday. We discussed our travel plans for the upcoming year and it looks like I'll be able to work Nevada into the schedule. Chicken Mom posted  some photos from the Northern Nevada Railway as part of her regular Friday Night Steam feature and since Rick and I have discussed this in the past, I'm thinking the time is right for making that trip. Amtrak doesn't run there directly but where there's a will there's a way.

The new job looks like it'll work for me. There'll be regular chores as well as fixing whatever comes along, plus there's a bit of a back log of things to build. I'm going to be working on building a tool crib this week. There's not a real good place to do fab work there so I'll do most of the welding at home but still be on the clock. Should work out OK for me. The job will pay for some car and bike parts.

I'm going to California in April with the high school group. Should be an interesting trip. The team has two cars for the competition, one a previous build, the other still under construction. I stopped by there the other day and they've got a bit to do yet but looks like it'll get finished in time.

I've got a dentist appointment this week, starting on the taxes, preparing for the start of the class at the college, and working a couple of days this week. I'm not going to have a lot of free time until I finish at the college but it's only eight weeks and then I'll be done with that gig. That's been a really good job but there's not much flexibility as far as taking time off for travel and other things. I'm hoping the new boss is as understanding as he led me to believe during the interview process. If not, I'll just pack it in and call it a career

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