Monday, April 15, 2019
Crazy Weather
Cuzzin Ricky and I were supposed to go to the races this weekend - Haubstadt and Terre Haute. Rick called me Saturday morning about two hours before we were to rendezvous and said the Saturday show was postponed until late June. We talked it over for a few minutes and decided to cancel out the Sunday night show also considering the weather. Wise decision since that event was postponed as well.
Since I didn't have anything else planned for the day I decided to get caught up on a few piddly things around the house since I'm still a bit behind with all my traveling. I didn't realize it was as nice out as it was until I went outside later in the afternoon. I should have gotten out much sooner - beautiful day. The magnolias and daffodils are blooming, sun was shining brightly and the temperature was about 60 or so. I worked a bit in the garden to clean up around the rhubarb that has come up and where the asparagus will be popping up soon. Should have gotten out sooner and spent a bit of time in the shop also.
Sunday was a whole other story. It rained quite a bit Saturday night into Sunday morning and the temperatures had dropped into the mid-thirties. I decided to head north to Harbor Freight and a couple other places and took off about 10:30. I got about two-thirds of the way there and the rain started to change to snow. About the time I got to Harbor Freight, it was snowing hard and the roads were covered in slushy snow. I did a quick turn around and headed back home - passed three cars in the ditch along the way. About half way home the snow had turned back to rain and the drive was a normal - for Indiana at least - Spring rainy day with a 34 degree temperature.
Spent the rest of the day going through the stack of magazines and a few more household chores. And eating. I really need to get back on some kind of a regular schedule. Time to start riding the bicycle and working out with something other than a knife and fork. I did OK until I went to Ireland. I've fallen off the wagon big time but I'm going to start cutting back on the grub this week and see about some type of regular exercise plan that I can ease into. I've got four more weeks at the college. After that it should be easy enough to get myself on a regular routine again. And stay on it, hopefully.
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