Tuesday, June 25, 2019

All In a Days Work

Couple of welding jobs - one finished, one to go. The hatchet in the foreground belongs to Surly. He bought it at a flea market or something. It was originally a roofing hatchet and he modified it to make himself a camping axe. You can't tell in the photo but it has a crack where the slot for pulling nails used to be. Additionally, he says the material is soft. Since it won't hold an edge, we might hardface the cutting edge to make it serviceable. I'll get the crack welded up in the next couple of days and I'll know more about what the material is after that. We can then make an informed decision on the hardfacing.

Behind the hatchet is a broom handle I welded. It's just a cheapie broom. One of the guys at work was using it and managed to hit the bottom of the garage door that was open about two feet up. When he hit the bottom of the door, the handle snapped in two. The tube handle is paper thin. Not the easiest thing to weld. I had the TIG set on about 25 amps and using the pedal I had to be real careful not to burn a hole in it just from striking an arc. I got it welded, though. Used some small MIG wire as a filler. Good practice.

I might not be the best welder out there but you have to admit I sure do quite the variety.