Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pretty Good Day

Busy day yesterday - started out with a visit to the chiropractor. Not my favorite way to start the day but it's been awhile since I've been there so I figured I should get in there before I locked up. Hit the Dollar Store, grocery, feed store, and the hardware store after that. Paid some bills and then headed out to the shop to do a couple of welding jobs.

I started by fixing a clip on the strap on a pair of bib overalls, then fixed the lever for a big blower as shown in the top photo. It had been welded before but the weld had a bunch of slag in it which allowed it to break again. I ground it out and rewelded it. There's a plate that bolts to it and it's bent into a nice curve that I don't think should be there. I'll have to check it out when I reassemble the thing. It'll be easy enough to straighten if need be - just lay it down on the floor and whack it a couple of good licks with the sledge.

The bottom photo is a screwdriver I made after fixing the blower lever. It's made from 3/8" round stock and a driver like you would chuck up in a cordless drill. These things are handy as all hell. I'm going to take this one to work. Seems like every time I work on something there, I find I need another tool that I don't have there. I don't want to take all of my good tools from home to work and I'm not planning on making a career out of the new job either, so I'll make what I need or buy a few cheap supplemental tools as needed from Harbor Freight or Menards and call it good.

I also cleaned out the chicken coop, did a load of clothes and hit the gym. Pretty good day.

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