Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Welding Job
Welded up a mount for a tool box on Cuzzin Ricky's trailer yesterday. I also made a new license plate bracket to replace the flimsy stock one. The tool box uprights are 3x3 tube with 2x2 angle to support the box. We just sat the box up on there for a photo but didn't center it up. I did drill some mounting holes in the angles for him. He's going to clean up the welds, paint everything and bolt it down.
The top photo is of our helper for the day - Rick's grandson. He was pretty good about staying out of the way and looking through the helmet when I was welding. I usually work at a pretty good clip when doing this type of work so he slowed down my rhythm a bit. There was no hurry and it's good to have these young guys getting some exposure to work like this, so well worth the few extra minutes needed to finish up the job. Also, Rick explained a few things about the process while we were working. He probably knows more about welding now than most high school graduates.
The wife's niece's two kids have been visiting me in the electronics shop since school let out. The oldest - she's 12 - has become intrigued with morse code, as I usually have a radio either playing on the bench or receiving at my station console. I try to slow my act down a bit to let teachable moments about radio and electronics come about.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of people have forgotten the traditional role of the "elders" - passing knowledge along to the young ones. The more things the young ones are exposed to, the better. I wish I would have pursued getting my ham license and learning Morse Code a bit more in earnest. I did study for the test a couple of years ago but didn't follow through on it. Maybe now that I'm no longer working at the college I should try again.