Friday, July 19, 2019

Hot One Today

Healthy breakfast - granola with raspberries from the patch out back and almond milk. The Missus made a gooseberry pie last week with berries from my bushes. Not as healthy as the breakfast but damn sure tasty. I'm going to have a ton of grapes this year too. I might try making a little wine this year - just need to have enough grapes for a pie as well.

Surly commented on my last post I should go with a kettlebell so I did an online search for some exercise routines. Not surprisingly, there's a ton of them. I've got weights that I rarely use, and an exercise band that I do use somewhat on a regular basis, so buying more exercise equipment probably wouldn't be a good investment if I wasn't going to actually put it to use. However, after watching some videos on kettlebell routines, I can see how they could be beneficial not only from the stand point of building muscle but also helping maintain or increase range of motion. It would also be easy for me to get one and take it to the boxing gym and leave it there. I'm pretty regular with my gym attendance and it would be easy to add some exercises with the kettlebell to my normal boxing type workout. Not sure what size I should get. I'll have to check with my running buddy. She does some personal training at a local gym that might have some for me to check out.

Supposed to be blistering hot today and Saturday. Supposed to do the 5K Sat. morning. Looks like I'll just go for a nice leisurely walk rather than doing much "race" walking. I've been making pretty good progress on things around the shack as well as the Rapido but when the heat hits high nineties, time for this old guy to throttle back and take it easy. I'd suggest all the rest of you do the same. Stay hydrated and adjust your output as necessary.


  1. I have a 35# bell that you are welcome to try. Probably the best place for you to start. From what I understand you can get yourself VERY strong overall with just two kettlebell exercises. Swings and getups. Just make sure you lean the correct form. If you do those two you can go from there. Surprisingly, you can get bells cheap with free a point. Don't buy anything without asking me first though. I'll hook you up.
