Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Birthday Girl
Birthday today for the Missus - turning 29 for the 40th time again. I love this picture of her. Actually this was probably taken about the time she really did turn 29. Happy birthday, Baby! And speaking of babies, my buddy Kevin who I used to work with is soon to be a father. He and his wife are waiting the arrival of their first. My wife is naturally hoping today will be the day.
I met with the travel agent yesterday morning and Cuzzin Ricky and I are all set on the train trip out west. This should be a lot of fun. We're thinking we should head east next year. Catch a couple of sprint car races, Steamtown, visit my brother, and a couple of other stops along the way. Rick's turning 70 real soon and I'm only a year behind him. We're getting too old to be putting things off.
The grandsons start school this week so I won't be getting anymore help on the Rapido unless I arrange a Saturday or two. The aching back screwed up the weekend for me as far as working out in the shop but you're going to have that sometimes.
The hot days should be done with for this year so the weather should be a bit more agreeable to manual labor. I've got a bit more lawn and garden work I'd like to get done that I wasn't able to tackle due to the weather this spring. I want to paint the north end of my shop and there's some trim on the shack that needs painting. As always, lots to do. And plenty of time to get it done if I'd stay home once in a while and quit hurting myself.
Yep, we are hoping we have a birthday girl here today too! Happy Birthday Ruthanne!