Monday, October 21, 2019

Picking Them Off The List

Spent some time in the shop picking some of the easy ones off the list. Photo above is a pair of soft jaws for the bench vise at work. Nothing fancy, just some scrap aluminum but the vise is new and it's got some sharp teeth on the jaws. These will do the trick for what I need.

Brackets to support the nail cabinet out in the woodshop. The cabinet was something my dad put together from scrap parts from a place he and I worked at many a year ago. The back of the cabinet is made from some type of cheap Masonite paneling - fairly thick, though, but not thick enough to hold the cabinet up after I loaded it up with nails. The brackets are going to be fastened to the wall studs and then bolted through the top of the cabinet to hold it up. The one bracket has a piece welded on that will allow me to screw the bracket into the top of the left side. That should hold things up for a while.

Rack for a couple of the common tools I use at the workbench in the woodshop. This is made from the same piece of aluminum scrap that the soft jaws were made from. I just got the wooden mallet from Garrett Wade along with a saw for trimming large tree branches. I'll probably put the wooden mallet in with my metal shaping tools and hang the deadblow hammer on the rack instead. Garrett Wade has the mallets in three different sizes. I'm thinking about getting at least one more and rounding the end to use with my shot bag.

Got a start on the winch mount for work and the motorcycle carrier for my truck. I also put in 4 miles with the backpack to get myself in shape for the 10 mile ruck. It was a beautiful afternoon yesterday to be out walking around. Really nice weekend all the way around as far as that goes. Got some exercise, made some progress on the projects, did breakfast with the cousins. Good couple of days.

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