Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mo' Things

I went south yesterday for a luncheon date with one of our boxers and a couple others. Our guy is leaving today for basic training and a couple of us wanted to have a little send off lunch date. After lunch I went past the remains from Sunday's fire. As you can see in the photos, it was still smoldering and they were already knocking down some of the remaining structure. It's certainly a heartbreaker for all those that are going to be affected but this was a relatively new structure and not one of the old buildings on the square. Small consolation for the city I guess.

Here's a couple of shots from the ruck march I did on the 9th. Not a huge crowd but an enthusiastic one. The photos were taken from the Facebook page of the group sponsoring the march.

I got an e-mail about a 53 mile something or other at the Inaugural 465 Challenge. As it's explained in the e-mail I received, you sign up before the first of the year and then you have two months to do something that adds up to 53 miles which is the distance around Indy if you stayed on I-465. That could be walking, cycling or jumping up and down in the basement. They did mention they don't want you to venture out on the Interstate on foot or bicycle. The whole deal is on the honor system. I don't know if I'll seriously consider doing this - it's a little expensive just to get some more swag I don't need. It would keep me moving during two of the worst months of winter. I am considering doing some more rucking or training for the 50 mile challenge, however. Obviously doing the 53 miles in three days and less than 20 hours would kill two birds and all that but I don't know that February would be the best time of the year to tackle it.

You had to know with all the Epstein memes out there that one from a welder would show up.

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