Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gun Control

From Here
Thought this was pretty clever in light of what's transpired in Virginia lately with all the talk of gun confiscation, 2A sanctuary counties, etc. When the new millennium rolled around in 2000 there was some celebrating with fireworks and gun shots around here, including some automatic weapons fire. I can't see all the people in my county wanting to give up their firearms peacefully. Lots of hunters and gun enthusiasts and hardly a Democrat in the whole county. In fact many of the Republican county politicians run unopposed on the ballot.

Depending on how the impeachment/coup attempt works out, things are liable to get spicy. While I consider myself only slightly paranoid, you might want to make being prepared for all contingencies a priority for the upcoming new year. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

I got my first seed catalog in the mail about two weeks ago. I'm going to try and do a little better with the garden this upcoming year. I didn't do anything at all last year except some tomatoes and peppers. Mostly because of the lousy weather rather than my own inertia but you'll have that. Maybe plant a couple more blueberry bushes and peach trees this spring. Since the Missus got sick she doesn't do any canning anymore but we've got everything needed to do so. I should have her talk me through the process and start preserving some of the harvest rather than letting a lot of the fruit go to waste next summer.

I've always got big plans in the winter and seem to fall a bit short in the spring and summer but I'm pretty sure I've got most of the essentials covered at least. Might fall a bit short of an Appalachian Guerilla or a Korean Rooftop Sniper but living the life of a subsistence farmer wouldn't be all that bad. Pretty good hobby in fact.

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