Saturday, December 21, 2019


From here
I received a notice from Social Security the other day. Looks like I'll be getting a raise come the new year - 1.6 percent. After notifying me of what the raise will be, they then detailed out what I'll be receiving on a monthly basis. After taking out for Medicare and insurance, federal taxes, the net take home is about 20% less than what I started with. Since the Fed took 12% of my earnings for 50 plus years right off the top and I had nothing to say about it, it would be nice if they just gave me my money back without paying taxes on what was a tax to begin with.

I would recommend those of you who are still working do a little retirement planning and keep in mind the number you're quoted from Social Security is not the number you'll be able to live off of. Also, if you take an early retirement,  not only will your payout be reduced, which would be expected, they won't allow you to make more than about $18,000 per year until you hit full retirement age without a reduction of your benefit.

With what's going on in Washington right now, might be a good time to consider Libertarian candidates in the future. They don't want to tax you to death or confiscate your guns. I just want my representatives to be fiscally responsible (a $23 T debt load is not responsible), keep us out of senseless wars and keep their hands out of my pocket. The more I see of politics lately, I don't think there is any way we'll be able to vote our way out of this, however. The country is just too far gone. I think my buddy is right. It's the end of the empire.

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