Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Medicare Supplement Sign-Up
It's the time of the year that old folks enroll or make changes to their Medicare supplement and drug coverage. I got a call from the agent who helped me get signed up originally and he said in light of the price of my drug coverage going up substantially, I should consider a change to a different plan and he gave me his recommendation. Additionally, he told me it would be a long wait time on the phone, I could sign up online, or I could meet with him and he'd walk me through it. I called the number, set the phone on speaker mode and prepared to wait. I got a person after about ten minutes who told me I could use the automated sign up or I could stay on the line and wait until a live agent was available - 30 minutes minimum. I decided to take a chance with the automated sign-up.
Everything was going fairly well since I had my Medicare card and the rest of the stuff I figured I'd need. After about ten minutes of this the automated voice guy says I can't help you and asked for my area code. When I typed in the three digits, the phone went blank and I'd wasted a good half hour for nothing. Rather than try again I went online and it was actually quite easy, only taking about five minutes. However, the one thing that stood out in my mind was the fact that you had to declare yourself male or female. With all the gender confusion these days, I wonder how long before the government allows you to pick other options or if all the insurance companies will just tell people if you want a policy, you only get two choices. By the time you qualify for Medicare, I would think you should have it figured out.
I will say that Medicare is one helluva bargain. Even with having to buy supplemental insurance and a drug plan, it's a lot cheaper than what most people are paying on the private market for coverage. After I left the high school I stayed on their plan. When Obama Care kicked in my premiums went up to $1,800 per month. With me being a cardiac patient and the Missus being diagnosed with cancer, no way I could change carriers. When I was able to sign up for Medicare it was a huge savings. Unfortunately, there are quite a few physicians and clinics that don't accept Medicare patients because the Gov sets the pay schedule for what they receive for their services and it's not much in most cases.
While all above the table wage earners pay into Medicare, it doesn't come close to meeting the actual costs, which is why when Elizabeth Warren proposes Medicare for all, it's just laughable. It'd be nice if the Democratic candidates would perhaps propose a solution to balancing the budget and paying down the national debt rather than promising more free stuff. Trump has already run it up the debt numbers, so you know he's not going to do it. Of course it's not up to the president to do these sorts of things, but rather, the legislative branch is supposed to take care of this. As if!
I did make it out to the shop after taking care of my Medicare stuff. Diddled with a couple of little things and then made a move on the motorcycle carrier. Got it shortened up to what I think will be the right height now. I'll get it back in the hitch and then load it up with about 500 pounds and see where it settles down at. With the additional brackets I'm planning I know it'll be strong enough. Just need to see how much it compresses the springs.
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