Monday, December 9, 2019


I happened to look out the patio door yesterday morning just as a turkey walked by. I got up to take a look and there was a bunch of them grazing the yard and working their way out to the corn field. I've never eaten wild turkey - I have had a little in liquid form - and I don't know how much meat you would get from a decent size hen like those wandering my yard. The last time I cleaned a wild animal I had hunted was about 45 years ago. Not the most pleasant of tasks and since I rarely eat meat anymore, probably won't ever have to clean another one. If things go sideways in the future, I wouldn't rule it out, though. I doubt the turkeys will amble through the yard if I'm starving, though.

I worked on the motorcycle carrier yesterday. The weather was decent, so I wanted to get the rest of the pieces fit up. I've got all the brackets taken care of and the majority of the welding is done. I'm going to pick up some primer today and get the brackets painted so I can get the ones that bolt to the truck permanently installed. I still need to make a stop for the front wheel and get the lights taken care of but I can do that in the shop where it's warm, since the temps are supposed to drop later today.

I've got a bit of machine work to do as well as a blood test and other errands to take care of today. I'll see how long all that takes me. I'm hoping to get a bit more done on the carrier. I need to finish this up so I can get my bike to the shop for servicing. I suppose there's no real hurry now, seeing as it's winter.

I've still got some Christmas shopping to do. I'm going to try and get that finished up in the next few days. I've been making the to-do list as well as the Christmas list. Seems like it never gets any shorter but I'm pretty happy with what I've been getting done around the shack. Cuzzin Ricky said the sprint car schedule is out for next season. We didn't get to the races very often this year - need to make up for it next year. Maybe head east next year to catch a few races and do some train stuff.  


  1. I'm ready! Looking at the schedule for Arizona after the 1st of the year. Thinking about going to Zona for a couple of weeks.

  2. There's the car museum in Pa along with Steamtown we should hit. I've really enjoyed our big trips the last couple of years - Alaska, Kansas and Nevada. Definitely should do an Eastern Swing.

    There's a track in Logansport we should check out next year also.
