Tuesday, January 7, 2020

New Horses

My new saw horses came Sunday evening. I was surprised to receive an e-mail saying they were shipped and would be delivered on a Sunday. It got late and I turned the porch light off at about 7:30 that evening and the delivery showed up at 7:40. I took one out of the box and while they seem to be rather well made, I don't know if I'd load them up with the 1500 pounds each they're rated at. They should be pretty handy, though. They fold up nice and they have a carry handle.

The cord on my chop saw shorted out the other day, so I got that fixed yesterday and then I cut the last two pieces I needed for my motorcycle carrier. I primed the main part of the carrier, so I'm just about finished with that job.

I've got quite a bit of work to do for my side gig so that's cutting into my project time. I'm getting quite a bit done around here but I'd like to be getting a bit more done while the weather has been so nice.

Turner Classic Movies had a documentary on Mary Astor last night. I've always liked her as an actress and admired her beauty. The documentary focused on her child custody battle and all that entailed while she was filming Dodsworth, which just happens to be one of my favorite movies. I can identify with Walter Houston's role in the movie as a guy who retires and is a bit lost when he no longer has that purpose. The movie is based on the book of the same name written by Sinclair Lewis. I read the book a couple of years ago. I can recommend both the book and the movie.

Did a bit of research on TIG welders and I think I've got it narrowed down to a couple. Have to think about it a wee bit more but I'm about 90% on buying a new machine. Might as well pull the trigger while I'm still working some.                                                                            

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