Monday, February 17, 2020


Allison Hayes - quite the looker. I've been watching Tombstone Territory and Bat Masterson on Saturday mornings and Miss Hayes appeared in both of those shows. Mostly I just keep the TV on for background noise to drown out the ringing in my ears from the tinnitus while I'm doing my chores but the publicity photos and the movie stills of these actresses are often good examples of photographic posing and lighting. The television shows weren't always the best, it was the fifties after all, but they're still some of the best programming available, sad as that is.

The place where I buy my photographic supplies sent me an e-mail about some new film they're carrying. I might buy a couple of rolls of 120. I need to see what my paper supply looks like as well. I want to get something to do some hand coloring. I should have got on this a little earlier in the winter. Since my darkroom isn't really dark until after the sun goes down, I can get in there and work for a couple hours and still be done by bed time. I need to get on that.

I also need to make some type of daylight film developing can for 4x5 that I can develop one or two sheets at a time. I've got a big tank but it uses a lot of chemicals. I normally tray develop but sitting in the total darkness for 20 minutes agitating the film and transferring it from developer, to stop bath, to fixer isn't all that much fun. Designing and building a tank would be, however. It would make using my view camera a lot more fun as well - and the camera I hope to build one of these days.

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