Saturday, February 1, 2020

Third World Country?

So we've got a thinly disguised coup attempt going on, a $23 trillion debt load and another trillion on tap for this year. They want to take the guns away from all of us and stifle freedom of speech. And now this!

I called the tax lady to set up an appointment to finish up my taxes. I don't believe I've ever made such a call in January - usually it's in mid March. Since I usually owe money, no point in hurrying to pay when the "gov" will just piss it away anyway. Once the tax lady had gotten over her initial surprise of me calling when I did, she explained to me the IRS didn't have the software up and running to do the taxes yet. It's supposed to be ready on the 20th of February. What a joke! And things will only get worse for the working man when the government gets the printing presses in high gear to cover the interest on the debt load.

What the hell has happened to this country? As Brother Johnny used to say, "we're just boned". He got that right.

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