Friday, March 13, 2020


I went out yesterday morning to open up the shop to work on Cuzzin Ricky's job and then walked to the back of my property to see the progress on my new neighbor. There's an industrial park bordering the south edge of my place and this building is supposed to be a warehouse. Warehouses usually make good neighbors. I looked into buying that lot myself thinking I could put up a building where I'd be able to rent half of it out and build myself a nice shop that was only a five minute walk away. However, with the cost of the property being pretty salty, I didn't want to go on the hook for $200K at my age. The pay-back was going to be too long for my comfort level.


The headache rack job went pretty smooth. We spent about four hours working on it but we weren't hitting it too hard. Nice leisurely pace on a fun little job. The finished product is obviously upside down in the photo - or maybe it's not too obvious if you aren't familiar these sorts of things. Anyway, in the photo it's resting on a 1/4" plate that will be a mount for a light bar over the cab. We had to trim off the channels that rest on top of the side rails. I used the new plasma. I'm still a little shaky with it. In fact, the first cut looked like it was attacked by the metal munching moon mice but I got it straightened up and it looked pretty good going out the door.

I ran some errands after Rick left - had to get some more chicken feed in case I need to self-quarantine. I still need to pick up some more cat and dog food but other than that, I should be set. I get a kick with all the people worried about running out of toilet paper. Apparently they don't remember the days of using real diapers and having to wash them out. No reason you couldn't just use a rag to wipe your fanny and wash it out when you're done. I haven't seen anyone selling out of diaper pails. They probably don't even make those anymore.

I didn't get anything of my own done after that but did finish up one job for the side hustle and started on another. They're going to miss me when I'm gone.

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