Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Paddy's Day

Surly and the oldest grandson came down Sunday and started working on a job. The grandson did a little wire-wheeling on some tubing, I welded a bit on a fender for Surly and Surly kept watch over the grandson. Surly also left me a couple of heat shields to repair for his Harley big twin project. I picked up some steel yesterday for the transition piece to finish that job along with some angle for Surly.

Not sure what I'm going to do about work. Staying home might be the most prudent option. What I do isn't all that important in the big picture and the Missus and I fit the profile of those most at risk from the corona virus. Might have to have a talk with the boss and see what he's got planned for the company in the near future now that lots of businesses and schools are closing.

I had a little e-mail  back and forth with my brother. He's had some medical issues that have sidelined him for a while. Fortunately, he's doing OK now but he hasn't been able to finish the family history project. I'm going to print out another hard copy and see about getting it printed. Maybe even print it in house. Printers are relatively inexpensive, so even if I wear mine out, not that big of an expense. Have to see what the local print shop quotes me. I'm not too worried about the expense as much as I just want the thing done. 

I think I'm going to break training and have some corn beef and cabbage later today. The place has carry-out only now but that's fine with me. The Missus and I didn't go out for our anniversary and now it looks like all our meals will be in-house, either from carry-out or made at home. This virus thing is going to wreak havoc on a lot of businesses and individuals. I listened to the President's and the Illinois governor's speech yesterday. Never seen anything like this before. The Missus and I shouldn't be affected much - as long as we don't catch it, that is. There's going to be a huge ripple effect that's going to have very serious consequences for many, and for a long time in the future, however. Not going to be pretty.

Stay safe everyone. Let's hope for a quick resolution with a minimum of disruption.


  1. Maybe you could do the work at home and just drop it off after hours.
    But no need to take any chances, especially with Mom.

  2. I'm going on sabbatical next week - see how the virus thing shakes out.
