Monday, April 6, 2020

Mask Time

Since we're all going to be wearing masks now, here's a link to a handy how-to - making a mask out of an old tee shirt. I've got no shortage of old tee shirts, so I'm going to give this a try. Obviously it won't be an N95 when it comes to filtering out the cooties, but it'll prevent me from drooling on anyone and remind me not to touch my face. Actually, I could have used one yesterday when I mowed the yard. The dust and pollen triggered a sneezing jag about ten minutes after I put the mower away. I must have sneezed twenty times.

I got out a bit yesterday and shot up a roll of film. With the old folding camera you only get eight shots per roll, so it doesn't take long to shoot a roll. I loaded it up in the can last evening, might get around to developing it today.

Got a little more work done in the shop for the side hustle but nothing on the "jitney" - I'm starting to really like that word.

I did a bit of research on the web checking on Slant-Six installations in hot rod vehicle types. These photos give a pretty good idea as to what my installation should look like, including motor mounts, installed height, accessory mounts, etc. The photos came from here. Unfortunately the gentleman who wrote the blog passed away. There's some pretty good stuff there.

I'm hoping to get my motor sitting in between the frame rails this week. I should be able to get an idea of the finished height of the installation and start making motor mounts. I've got a pair of the round universal "hockey puck" type but I don't have anything that bolts to the motor or the frame rails. Also, when I've got the motor set down in there, I can start figuring out what I want to do for an exhaust. There are several ways to handle it, including the stock manifold, but I'm thinking maybe run all six cylinders into a single pipe running the length of the car like it used to be done. Not the most efficient way but that's how they all used to be back then.

Stay safe, stay home if you can, wear a mask if you go out, wash your hands when you get home.

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