Monday, June 8, 2020

When Will We Ever Learn?

Beautiful weekend if you just consider the weather. I picked up some work to do on Friday so I did a bit of fooling around trying to figure out a way to streamline the operation a bit. I need to make at least twenty pieces of one part. They're not that hard to make but because the part is small it's hard to hold to do what I need to do. I made a couple pieces up trying different approaches and I think I've got it down to where I can knock them out pretty quickly now. I'm sure they will be needing more of these in the future, so I'd like to master the procedure. I've got another part to make as well. I should make at least thirty of these. These get plasma cut out of stainless sheet, then get two holes drilled, a couple of bends, and a small tack weld. That'll keep me busy for a bit.

I got out and walked with a group from the boxing club yesterday. Several of the guys ran, a couple young guys rode bikes and a couple of us walked - I got three miles in. It was easy to stay at a safe "social distance" on the walking path. I don't know how important all that is now. The warm sunshine is supposed to kill the virus rather quickly. If it doesn't, there's going to be a big surge of people getting sick after all the groups out protesting, rioting/looting. If they don't get sick, it will be pretty obvious that, once again, the guys in charge don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. "We're from the government and we're here to help."

"When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?" 


  1. "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'" is my favorite quote from The Shawshank Redemption. The wife and I spent the last week hiking the Red River Gorge, meeting others who are living, and social distancing when necessary. We returned to find some friends who are still locked in their homes, have no pre-existing conditions that would increase their risk, or don't go out because "they can't stand wearing a mask". They're not even busy.
    And so it goes...

  2. I like the quote - definitely words to live by. I hiked the Red River Gorge with a guy I used to work with about ten years ago. We did an over-nighter out on the trail. Beautiful place.

    I definitely need to be careful with the virus for my own health but more so with my wife. She has an appointment with her oncologist in a couple of weeks and that will help determine what we're going to do going forward. I believe getting out in the sunshine is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. That and stay away from crowds. With all of this craziness going on, staying home does look better all the time, however. The wife did mention a trip to Kentucky when it's safe for her to travel.

    Stay safe - good to hear from you as always.
