Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More Fun With Animals

Monday I spent the morning and part of the afternoon on the road. I dropped off some family history books about an hour away. The one cousin lives in a small town and I went through a couple more on the way down. One of them had an ice cream stand that I usually stop at when I'm going through. In addition to ice cream, they make a real good pork tenderloin sandwich so I figured I'd stop there on my way home. No luck, they're out of business. I saw quite a few other places that were closed up since the last time I had gone through. Tough for the business owners and the small towns. There's not much keeping some of the small towns going on a good day. Close up a few more businesses and it's lights out for the town.

While I was out I picked up an oil filter and a piece of stock for the jitney project. Looks like I'd have to carve out a pretty large chunk of the frame rail to clear the filter. I'm not sure about the distributor or the fuel pump either. Since I don't have either one of those at the present time, I need to at least get a distributor to see if I'm going to have enough clearance. I can get a mechanical fuel pump easy enough but I might be better off getting an electric pump. I can make a blank off plate and that'll be that. I'm thinking now a remote oil filter is the way to go on that problem as well. I can mount the filter on the firewall where it'll be easy to access and I won't have to worry about carving up the frame. So now I'll move forward on making the motor mounts and shop for a distributor.

While I was out in the shop Monday evening I saw a small ground hog run underneath my one work bench. What the hell? I got a flashlight, got down on my hands and knees and expected to see a couple of beady eyes looking back at me. Instead, I could see all the way outside. The little bastich not only dug a burrow out side, he also chewed through the wall. I stuck a piece of sheet metal up against the outside wall and filled in the burrow. I had to cut some raspberries away to find the burrow and I'll trim them back further so I can keep a closer eye on the edge of the building.

I'll get back on the motor mounts and keep an eye on the shop. At least it's a woodchuck and not murder hornets.

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