Thursday, August 20, 2020

Books & Grill


I bought myself a used copy of the Royal Enfield story. Looks like Jamie's dad bought it for him as a Christmas present in 2017. Apparently Jamie doesn't cling to books like I do. Looks like it will make for some good bedtime reading, though.

I'm way behind on my book reading for the year. I just finished up a couple which put me to only nine for the year. While that's roughly one per month, it's no where near the one per week I was doing a few years back. I suppose it's still a lot better than some people. I know there are people out there who are lucky to read one per year. I have a hard time understanding why they would not avail themselves of the pleasure of relaxing with a good book but times have certainly changed. Movies and computers seem to have replaced much of the recreational reading but I'm fortunate to have access to a couple of libraries close to home. I have library cards from two counties so I have an excellent selection of books to choose from. I also have quite the personal library which I need to thin out. I've already gotten rid of several of my welding books and some novels but I definitely need to keep weeding them out. 

The headlight grill came yesterday. All the way from England by way of the Royal Mail. I'll get it installed today. I'm becoming quite the fan of the Enfield marque. I never saw too many of them back in the day. There were both Triumph and BSA dealers locally back then so they were pretty common. There were a few Nortons running around also but it was rare that you saw any other English makes like Enfield, Matchless or Velocette. They made some pretty nice bikes back in the 50s and 60s - shame the whole British motorcycle industry went in the toilet. 

I called the dentist today to set up an appointment to get my wisdom tooth pulled. Not looking forward to that but it definitely needs to come out. Saw the chiropractor on Monday, the family doctor on Tuesday and called the dentist on Wednesday. Figures. Only a couple of weeks from my 70th birthday and everything's falling apart. Get the tooth fixed and then I'll have to see about the cataract surgery. Definitely getting old.

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