Friday, September 18, 2020

Corn Binder


Photo From Here

Old International from the '50s. There's a newer one not too far from me that's sitting at an abandoned house. There have been a couple of other additions added recently but I've never seen anyone around the place. 

I rented a storage unit the other day to clear up some room in the shop. I don't have enough room to work without tripping over something or having to move things to get to some of the tools. When you do a lot of welding and grinding, keeping the sparks off of things and avoiding burning the place down is a constant battle. I should be able to increase the output a bit now, plus, I'll have a nice place to store the finished ones. As a bonus, it's only five minutes from the shack. Since I got rid of a bike recently and I've got room in the shop for the VW again, might consider actively seeking out a farm truck. I'll never get that XKE, so maybe settle for a truck. Besides being a lot cheaper, it would also be a little more practical.

Did a little origami out in the shop yesterday - motor mount patterns for the jitney project. The right side I'll make out of one piece and bend the ears up. The left side needs an offset bend that will interfere with the ears so I'll probably make that from three pieces and weld them together after bending the offset. Might just bend, hammer the ears flat and then bend them up.

I'm going to try and get those made today but I also want to move a couple of bikes to storage and I've got to cut some grass along with the daily chores. Looking forward to getting some room in the shop, though. 

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