Friday, September 25, 2020

Go Driver, Go Go


Been on the road the last couple of days. Not far with the cooties, of course, but a couple of grocery stores, credit union, bank, lumber yard, dog groomer, and a gas station. And in two different counties. The governor is relaxing the cooties rules as far as restaurants, gyms, etc. as of this weekend but the mask order is still going to be in effect until the middle of next month. Lots of people are already disregarding the mask rule. I wear mine when I go into a business mainly because I don't wish to have a confrontation. I don't need to be arguing with anyone about my rights or the effectiveness of the masks or anything else under the sun. Just want to be left alone to do my own thing.

The Missus and I have cast our ballots for the November election. In Indiana if you're over 65 that's all the reason you need to vote by mail. There was a Libertarian presidential and gubernatorial candidate on the ballot, by the way. Neither one of them has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected, I would guess, but I'm glad to see a third party option. I'd like to see Jo Jorgensen, the presidential candidate, be part of the presidential debates just to spice things up.

Left side motor mount for the jitney project. Lovely looking weld, even if I do say so myself. It's a half open corner joint welded with the TIG process using ER70S-6 filler on A36 steel - that's welder talk right there, Brother. However, I'm going to have to see about having the cataract surgery done pretty soon. My vision isn't what it should be when I'm driving now, nor is it what it should be when doing most every thing else, like TIG welding small parts. Since I'm near sighted, I wear glasses all the time except for close-up work like TIG welding. I can't raise my head up to look thru the bi-focal with the welding hood on, so I usually just take my glasses off and stick my nose down in close. Even that's not working all the best now with the fuzziness in my right eye. I'm going to see next week about getting the surgery scheduled. Get it done before the bad weather hits.

I'll bolt up the left side mount today - paint should be dry and make a set of stairs for the deck. I'll have to make them on the deck so I won't have far to go to install them. That treated lumber is heavy. It was about all I wanted dragging a 2x10 x12' up on the deck. Definitely need to get this job done before the weather closes in along with some painting on the shack. I do have some material ordered for the jitney and I've got the right side motor mount figured out. So like always, doing my best to keep all the balls in the air. 

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