Friday, October 30, 2020

Back On The Roller

 It was a little chilly yesterday but not a bad day for a little lumberjacking. I've got quite a bit of brush and tree branches that need trimming. I can do that throughout the winter. I might call the tree guys back for a little professional help on a couple of the big branches that are over hanging the barn. I'll keep picking away at things and see how it goes. They cut down the stuff that I was really concerned with this summer. I don't think there's any panic on the rest of it.

After the lumberjacking I drug out the parts for the roller. There's not too much left to do. The rollers are made by pressing a sprocket hub into a piece of 1-1/2" pipe. They're a snug fit but I'll tack them in. After I get them tacked I'll put them in the lathe between centers and polish them up. The sprocket hubs have two set screws each that will keep them attached to the 1/2" rod that they will spin on. I need to put a couple of flats on the rod so the screws will hold better. Maybe just spot drill the rod so the screws will drop into a shallow hole. 

The roller shafts run in brass bushings that are pressed into the adjusters. I had to ream the adjusters, press the bushings in and then ream the bushings. I need to weld the drive sprockets to the hubs as seen in the lower photo. Nothing to that. I still need to make a couple of keepers for the bushings for the top roll. I thought I had made those already but since they weren't in the box of parts, I guess not. I also need to make the handle and cut the three roller shafts to length. Only thing after that is clean and paint. Depending on what else comes along in the next few days, might have it finished up next week.  

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