Saturday, October 17, 2020

Birthday Boy


Surly came down yesterday for a quick visit. He had a vacation day and wanted to get out on the bike before it gets too cold. He's put a lot of time in on this rig since he got it. There were quite a few things that had to be rectified due to the previous owner's ham-fistedness. I have to say he did a nice job. His birthday's today. No birthday celebrations for any of us this year, unfortunately. We were able to have a cup of coffee together at least. Wishing you a happy birthday all the same, Surly.

Later in the day the weather changed a bit and there was some beautiful light out on the cornfield and beyond.

A few minutes later the light changed and the rainbow that is just barely visible in the top photo popped out pretty as can be. Shortly after that the setting sun got clouded out and it started sprinkling a bit. Actually, not a bad ending to a beautiful fall day.

Depending on the weather, the corn might be gone today. The farmer brought his grain truck in and has it parked out back. Since I'm a mid-western boy thru and thru, I love the look of the fields, especially with the fall foliage for a backdrop but when the corn gets picked, it'll be six months before spring gets here and the farmers will be working the fields again. It's a long time to wait but always worth it. 

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