Thursday, October 8, 2020



I picked up the aluminum sheets for the skin on the jitney yesterday. The guy at the supplier did me a real solid on the price. He put in a large order to replenish his stock which brought the price down substantially on the individual sheets and he passed the savings along on mine. Can't beat that!

I went to the dentist in the afternoon for the root canal. After they pulled the crown off they found some more decay so they shot some more Novocain in me. This is the first time I've been to this dentist and he's pretty liberal with the anesthetic. I've had a root canal done without any before and I can damn near hypnotize myself to the point where I can block out most of the pain. I'm not as good at it as I used to be but between my skills and his anesthetic, I actually fell asleep in the chair while he was working on me. I'll have to make a couple more trips back before this thing is finished, unfortunately. It's a shame to burn a really nice day for a visit to the dentist. I did ride the bike, however. A most enjoyable jaunt. Just have to be extra careful - harvest season now. Lots of slow moving vehicles and stuff on the road surface.

The dentist visit shot the majority of the day but I did work a little bit on the job for the side hustle. I got everything fixtured, all the pieces cut to length and about half of them drilled. I'll finish them up today and see about doing a little painting also. Great weather for it.

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