Sunday, October 25, 2020

High Noon


High Noon was on last evening just long enough to catch the opening tune before the Missus changed the channel. Not like I don't know how it ends but Tex Ritter was stuck in my head until I fell asleep later.

I saw both of these on a Facebook group that appeared to be Dutch. They had some pretty neat cars and bikes posted but I couldn't decipher much of anything of the captions. However, a couple of really interesting things caught my eye with this rig. Looking at the side view, I like the look of the screened- in sides of the hood. Not just the screen but the rolled bead framing it. Likewise the rolled edge around the cockpit opening. The cockpit itself has a shape that's similar to a T bucket - looks good. I'd like to have a good look at the rear of the car to see how that was finished off. I was planning on doing my build according to the blueprint I've got but after seeing this, I might change things a bit. Probably won't be going with a headlight in the nose but I like the look. I'm diggin' the muffler/collector too. Cool looking car.

Didn't get any shop time in yesterday but got some more done outside. I've neglected some things the last couple of years, but I'm catching up with it. There's always plenty to do around here even if I'm staying on top of it. Most of what I need to do now I can do over the winter - assuming of course winter isn't going to be brutally cold with a blizzard every third day. It is 2020, however. Maybe a bit more outside work today and a little plasma cutting. A couple of pieces for me, a couple for the side hustle. 

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