Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Great Weather For Working

 Great day yesterday - the temperature was unseasonably warm, blue skies with a few clouds. It was a little breezy in the morning but no complaints from me. I got out on the bicycle late morning and put in 5 miles. They just recently paved one of the back roads I ride so I picked up the pace with a nice tailwind and went a mile and a half at about 17 mph. Since I'm not in the best of shape the return trip was a grind at about 9 or 10 but it's what I needed. It's supposed to be nice all the way into the weekend so I'll try and get out every day.

When I got back from the bike ride I replaced a hand rail on the front steps that had warped something terribly - something that I should have done about a year ago. I got back on the slip roll project after that.

In the top photo you can see the drive gears I got welded up. I need to cut a keyway on the shafts still - maybe today. In the lower photo you can see the keeper block to hold the top bushing and roll in place. The top roll needs to be removeable if you roll up a part with a small diameter. I also need to finish weld the end plates and the mounting feet. 

Since the weather is going to be real nice again today, I want to take advantage of it and paint some more trim on the out buildings. Maybe a couple hours at most and then get back on the roll.

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