Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Hello Stranger


That's how it's going to be with everyone I know by the time the cooties goes away. We'll all be strangers. 

New lock-down orders in a lot of places. Lots of people ignoring the lock-down orders. More restaurants closing up shop now that it's becoming too cold for outdoor dining. Hotels going out of business and more and more people will be in danger of losing their homes and automobiles by the beginning of the new year. Education is in a shambles. Remote learning, back in school, back home again, in school two days per week and then remote learn the remainder of the week. I don't know what the high school shop teachers are doing with this insanity. Since a lot of traditional programs were already shuttered before, maybe there aren't that many programs being affected. Hard to teach welding, machining or auto mechanics when the only hands-on training comes from a keyboard. 

I find it interesting that the Biden Covid response team is complaining about a lack of co-operation from the Trump administration on the virus. I can't see where they're going to come up with anything that hasn't already been tried someplace in the world anyhow. Of course my response is something along the lines of if you're so damn smart how come you haven't figured it out already. And if you have, how could you let all these people suffer. Politics - it's all bull shit.  And while I'm on the subject, I wish the press would stop referring to Biden as the President Elect. He's no more the president elect than I am. That may be the case in a month or it may never be the case but as it currently stands, he's not the President Elect and they should know better than to call him that. 

Brother Johnny was right when he made the call: "We're boned." And he's been dead for eight years!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I turned the heater on yesterday to take the chill off the shop and get it warm enough to paint the support leg for the back of the Slant Six. First shot out of the gun I ran out of propane. I bought a spare tank last year so I swapped it out and finally got around to pulling the old water pressure tank out of the basement and loaded both tanks into the back of the truck. I'll get both of them taken care of today.

I drilled the holes in the radiator flanges and tacked the nuts for bolting it down on the front "U" shaped piece. I need to tack the other two nuts inside the frame rails - maybe today. I gave a little thought on making the top support rods for the radiator but didn't decide on anything yet. Next step will be move the motor mounts rearward and make the firewall.

It's going to be chilly today but supposed to warm up later in the week. I want to mow one more time and get a few other outside chores done while it's warm so progress might slow a bit in the shop but being outside is good for the soul. Much better than watching the news.


  1. Come back to us, Barbara Lewis. Hare Krishna, Beauregard.

  2. The last time that I saw her, she was standing in the rain ...
