Sunday, November 22, 2020

High Heeled Sneakers


This one's been covered by a lot of artists but I think this was the original - R&B from the sixties like I used to listen to on the radio. There used to be a lot of choices on the dial back then. Besides the Chicago stations, on a clear summer night you could pick up stations from all over the country on the AM dial.

When was the last time you heard Captain Stubby & The Buccaneers on the radio? Actually, I saw him a few years back at the Chautauqua, must of been right before he passed away. Even got his autograph. He used to be on The National Barn Dance on station WLS and he did the Go, Go White Sox thing when they won the pennant back in '59 also.

Not much to report on the project front. Mowed the yard for the last time of the season, picked up a couple of grave blankets and did some other chores. Got out on the bicycle both Friday and Saturday. I was surprised to meet a couple of other hardy souls on the Saturday ride, especially since it was overcast, breezy and only about 45 degrees.

Since I haven't heard from the print shop, I might hit Menards when I go to the cemetery to drop off the grave blankets. I did have a piece of MDF large enough to make the pieces in the photo, so it's a start. I might get brave and tackle the skin for the back of the cab on the jitney this week instead of working on the buck depending on the weather and when I decide to head north. I put my order together for some material - round stock for a "wired edge" on the cab and dash hood and a bit of brass flat bar. I also need to consult with Surly about an emblem I want to put on the radiator grill shell. I've got a couple of ideas but I can't handle either of them on my own. He'll point me in the right direction.

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